When putting your house on the market, you might consider a multitude of variables, but have you ever considered the outdoor color of your home? The color of your home can help your house sell faster. Find out what the best colors to sell a house are:
Keep up with the trends
Although a slight pop of color is a popular trend in recent years, sticking to the neutral colors for interior and exterior spaces in your home can benefit more in the long run. Natural, light colors make interior spaces feel more open, bright and spacious, making the value of your home increase.
Exterior color
Grey, beige and tan are all light, neutral colors that make the home more appealing to a potential buyers eyes. Bright or dark colors on the exterior of a house can take away from the unique character of the home, therefore lowering the value of the home and making it more difficult to sell. White or off-white are also appealing colors to homebuyers, giving an iconic look to the home. Cypress green and blue grey are also safe colors than can help increase the value of your home.
Natural shades are best
The latest trends in 2018 have shown that slate grey, tan and light blue are popular colors for interior spaces, like the kitchen and bathroom. Blue is a common and often effective color for either the kitchen or the bathroom, and can help increase the selling price of your home. Slate grey is a current trend color that looks clean and polished, which can also help increase the value of your home.
Why does color matter?
Color is a useful tool to attract potential buyers and draw their attention to your home. When posting photos and videos online for people to view, neutral and light colors make the spaces in your home look more spacious and light, which attracts buyers.
When putting your house on the market, what color to paint rooms when selling house is important. Think about more than just cleaning and organizing to make the home more appealing, consider changing the color of both the interior and exterior of your home to make the selling value increase! The Athens realty market is an open opportunity, so increasing your home's appeal is also important.